Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a growing concern among children worldwide. This condition occurs when the eye elongates, causing distant objects to appear blurry. Progressive myopia not only impacts a child’s daily life but also increases the risk of serious eye conditions, such as retinal detachment and glaucoma, later in life. Advancements in eye care have introduced effective management solutions, like MiSight® contact lenses, designed specifically to slow the progression of myopia in kids.
Myopia typically develops during childhood and worsens through the growing years. While wearing glasses or traditional contact lenses can correct blurry vision, they don’t address the underlying issue: the progression of myopia.
Common signs of myopia in children include difficulty seeing distant objects clearly, such as the board at school, while being able to see close-up tasks like reading or using a tablet without issue. Children with myopia may frequently squint, rub their eyes, or complain of headaches caused by eyestrain. You might also notice them sitting too close to the TV or holding books and devices very close to their face.
The goal of myopia management is not just to correct vision but to slow the progression of myopia as a child grows. By taking steps early, you can help protect your child’s vision and reduce their dependence on thick glasses or strong contact lens prescriptions in the future. Early intervention is key to maintaining long-term eye health and minimizing potential risks associated with high myopia.
MiSight 1 day contact lenses are an FDA-approved soft contact lens specifically designed for children ages 8–12 at the initiation of treatment. Unlike traditional contact lenses that only correct vision, MiSight lenses are part of a myopia management strategy aimed at slowing the elongation of the eye. These daily disposable lenses are easy to use, making them a practical and safe choice for children new to contact lenses.
MiSight lenses utilize a dual-focus design with concentric treatment zones that:
Correct nearsightedness, providing clear vision.
Focus peripheral light in a way that helps reduce the stimulus for eye elongation, which is the root cause of progressive myopia.
This dual-action approach allows children to see clearly while effectively slowing the progression of their myopia over time.
Parents and children alike can enjoy several benefits of MiSight lenses, including:
Slowing Myopia Progression: Clinical studies show that MiSight can reduce myopia progression by up to 59% over three years.
Improved Confidence: Many kids feel more confident without glasses, especially during sports or social activities.
Ease of Use: MiSight lenses are daily disposables, eliminating the need for cleaning and reducing the risk of infections.
Long-Term Vision Protection: By slowing myopia progression, MiSight reduces the risk of developing serious eye conditions later in life.
Clear, Stable Vision: Kids can experience crisp, uninterrupted vision for school, sports, and play.
Myopia progression in children is a growing concern, but with innovative solutions like MiSight, parents now have an effective way to manage it. MiSight lenses not only provide clear vision but also work proactively to slow myopia progression, offering long-term benefits for your child’s eye health and overall well-being.
If you’re concerned about your child’s vision or want to explore effective myopia management options, schedule an eye exam with Downtown Vision and discover how MiSight can make a lasting difference. Visit our office in Reno or Carson City, Nevada. Please call (775) 322-4061 or (775) 883-3977 to book an appointment today.