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Downtown Vision Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Contact Lens Fitting

Glasses are easy. A quick little exam, choose your frames, and have one of our talented opticians make precise measurements, all in order to make sure your new glasses fit perfectly. When you take that first step out of our office, you can walk confidently knowing your glasses are going to fit properly and comfortably. But glasses are only half the battle.

Putting Online Eyeglass Retailers on Sight

While online eyeglass retailers might mean well, a lot of inquiries are surfacing about the reliability and trustworthiness of their eyeglasses and eye “exams”. Convenient to the new age consumer who would rather stay inside and order from their computer, the convenience comes with some caveats that every consumer needs to consider before purchase.

Costume Contacts — Hauntingly Harmless or Devilishly Dangerous?

Halloween is just around the corner, and as we start to wrap up production for our costumes this year, we decided to do a deep dive on everyone’s favorite costume accessory. Yes, of course we’re talking about costume contacts.